Is It Time To Walk Away From A Lead?
We've all heard that you shouldn't give up too quickly on a lead - in fact, it can sometimes take 5 follow-up calls or meetings to finally hear a "Yes." But, when does it cross the line from persistent into annoying? Once that line is crossed, it's hard to get back into your potential client's good graces. So when is it time to give it a rest?

When You've Exhausted All Possible Efforts

Do you find yourself scratching your head, desperately trying to think outside of the box for that one more way to your prospect's heart? If you've contacted your lead by phone, email, text message, and offered to meet for coffee or lunch and you're coming up against wall after wall, it's probably time to let go.

They Tell You To Stop Calling

A more timid customer may try to put you off, telling you to call again in a month, or give them a few weeks to get back to you, when they may really want to tell you they're not interested. But if a bolder prospect comes right out to tell you to stop your efforts, you definitely need to listen. It's not a good idea to follow up again - this could be seen as annoying, or even harassing behavior.

When You're Exhausted

We get it. Rejection is hard. Even if the statistics are on the side of persistence, you may have had all you can take. You may get a cold feeling from your potential client - you can probably tell by their avoidance behavior or their tone of voice (if you can get them on the phone).  It would be better in the long run, to quit before you've hit your wit's end - or theirs - and take a break for a month or two. By the next time you have contact, you'll be ready to take a fresh approach and chances are they'll be more receptive.

It's Not Forever

Remember that stepping back doesn't mean that you won't ever make things work with your lead. Keep them on your mailing lists and in the back of your mind. You may find the perfect opportunity to get the ball rolling again, somewhere down the road. Keep your head up and move on to the next prospect!