Grow Your Business In April

How is your marketing plan shaping up this year? Here are some ideas to focus on for the month of April.

Get Ready for Upcoming Holidays and Events

As we head closer to summer, there are some obvious holidays to pay attention to like Mother's Day (May 12) and Father's Day (June 16). We also can anticipate the end of the school year, Flag Day (June 14), Cinco de Mayo (May 5), Memorial Day (May 27), and even a slew of summer weddings (growing families may mean a change in housing). If you want to have a little more fun, find a way to focus on Star Wars Day (May 4), Teacher's Day (May 7) or National Gardening Week (June 2-8). How much fun would it be to put together a gardening pop by or a Star Wars goodie basket?

Social Media Focus: Family and Children

With the school year coming to a close, families planning vacations, looking for summer camps, and more, family activities are on the brain for many people. Highlights family-friendly events in and around town, day trip ideas, etc. Your audience will begin to see you as a resource for their family needs.

Social Media Challenge: Social Media Takeover

Try offering a social media takeover for your Facebook or Instagram feed to increase visibility and relationships. A takeover usually involves giving another individual or group a day of access to your platform, with the ability to create posts and upload photos. Allow a representative of the group you're trying to connect with to post to your social media for a day. The swim team can post pics from a race, a PTA Association can highlight what they're doing for the community. They get to promote their group. You build relationships and show your followers that you're involved in the community. Everyone wins!