Safety First On Halloween

Halloween is a fun time for young and old alike, but it also presents plenty of dangers.  With only a couple of short weeks before the big event, we want to remind all of our friends to keep safety a top priority! Here are some great tips, courtesy and The American Red Cross.

Trick Or Treat With An Adult

Children under the age of 12, children should always have an adult with them when trick or treating, especially after dark. If children are old enough to be without supervision, they should restrict themselves to familiar and well-lit neighborhoods and streets.

Safety On The Sidewalk

Trick or treaters should stay on the sidewalks at all times. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible. Avoid using electronic devices so that both parents and children can remain aware of any traffic or other trick or treaters. Cross the street ONLY at corners and crosswalks, paying attention to traffic signals.

Costume Safety

Dark costumes will reduce visibility at night. Decorate costumes and bags with reflective tape and use lighter colors for costumes if you can. Glow sticks are both fun to carry and add to your child's visibility. Finally, take care to ensure that costumes aren't too long to avoid a tripping hazard.

Driving On Halloween

When driving on Halloween, stay aware that there will be children in almost any neighborhood. Children are excited on Halloween and may not be paying attention to standard safety rules. Take extra time at intersections and driveways. Drive more slowly than usual, especially during peak trick or treat hours, usually 5:30-9:30pm.