Steal Some Of Retail’s Biggest Tricks For Your Next Open House
Did you know that when stores pipe in a vanilla scent, customers are more likely to impulse buy? When preparing an Open House, a vanilla scent may lure buyers into considering the property, but impulsive decisions don't often end well for either party. Likewise, the smell of cleaning products, particularly orange scented products, gives consumers a feeling generosity.  The clean, orange smell may help your potential buyers see the value of a home. There are so many things that influence the way we buy. Retail stores have used psychological triggers to their advantage for years. And some of those same tips may help you sell more quickly!


As stated above, vanilla scents lead to more impulse purchases, while clean scents lead to generosity. And of course, most of us have heard that the scent of baking bread, or even bacon, gives many people a feeling of "Home Sweet Home". So, for your next open house, ditch the vanilla candle and try something new!


Our minds are easily provoked by color, which is why color psychology should be considered when staging or even repainting a home to sell. Red – Red gives consumers a sense of urgency and encourages people to take action quickly. Blue – Blue gives us feelings of trust and security. It may be the perfect choice for a great home in a less-than-ideal neighborhood. Green – Green is calming and soothing and linked to growth and wealth. Black – Black evokes class and sophistication, used most frequently when marketing luxury items.


If you're hoping your potential buyers will linger and take their time as they walk through an open house, the right music can help. Music with a fast tempo increases heart rate and encourages us to move quickly. Conversely, a slower tempo helps us slow down and take our time. Genre can make a difference as well. Consumers listening to classical music in a retail environment are more inclined to spend their money on luxury items. Customers listening to Top-40 pop music usually make smaller and cheaper purchases.   Sources and Further Reading: Using Colors and Shapes to Convert Shoppers 6 Psychological Triggers that Win Sales Smell Manipulation Sight, Smell and Sound and Consumer Behavior