Want To Appear More Successful? Make These Changes!
It may be common knowledge that people who are successful (or at least, people who project success) get treated differently. It may be something small like better service at a restaurant or something that can make a real difference, like a better seat at a networking events. Successful people get better introductions, better invitations, and, in general, more respect from the people they work with. What may not be common knowledge is that you can project more success today by just making a few little changes. These little tricks could open big doors. Our little guide below will hep you "Fake it 'til you make it.

1. Change Your Mindset.

People who project success are usually confident people who are open to taking risks and finding solutions. If you're not a risk taker, in business or beyond, you can start small. Take a new route to work, sign up for a kickboxing class, or start a conversation in line at the grocery store. If you're naturally a risk-taker, try moving outside of your comfort zone in bigger ways, like taking a white water rafting trip or signing up for a talk at something like a Pecha Kucha event. These kinds of changes will affect both your mood and attitude, which will affect productivity levels, which can help establish you as a leader. Let the success be mental and own it.

2. Dress For Success.

If you're ready to be recognized as a leader, you've got to look like one. This doesn't mean that you have to abandon your personal style, but you can polish it up. You'll never regret being the best-dressed person in the room. Skip the at-home dye jobs and ill-fitting blazers and make some real investments in your personal style. Take pride in your appearance and it will affect the way you handle yourself, too.

3. Slow Down.

Studies have shown that people who move quickly can look frantic and anxious to others, while those who take their time appear intelligent and successful. Give yourself an extra 10 minutes to get anywhere or an extra 30 minutes for your morning routine and you won't run the risk of rushing into a meeting or event. Whether you're speaking to a prospective client or a peer, use a measured tone. By giving each person you speak with the time and attention they deserve (without looking hurried or ready to rush off to your next appointment), you'll give the impression that you have the luxury of taking that extra time.

4. Change Your Body Language.

Just as speed can affect the way people perceive you, your body language speaks volumes. Successful people have a confident expression on their face, lifting their chin just a bit when they enter a room. They don't wait for introductions; they approach others first. In fact, they'll usually be the individuals conducting the introductions. Want to look unsure and unsuccessful at a networking event? Stand by yourself and check your emails and texts. This doesn't make you look like a busy professional - it makes you look nervous and uncomfortable. Work the room, hold your head high, make eye contact, and your body language will start affect the way you think about yourself as well. Now, go get 'em, tiger!