Business Resolution Ideas for 2022

This is a wonderful time of year to reflect on the last year in business and make some business resolutions to bring more success in the coming year. Did you accomplish everything you set out to do? Did your business grow and flourish in 2021? What's left undone? What can you do to increase success in 2022? Here are some of our favorite ideas:

Create a Marketing Calendar - And Stick To It!

In a time when calendars and alerts are at our fingertips, there's no excuse for missing another holiday, special event, or other marketing opportunity. Make a realistic plan for what you can accomplish to market your business this year. Schedule automated alerts to remind you when it's time to design holiday cards, send birthday cards to former clients, or promote a Christmas toy drive.

First Thing's First

Too often, entrepreneurs sacrifice their own promotions to take care of business as usual. While putting the client first is great, if you don't make growing your business a priority, it will never happen. Make a resolution to start every Monday morning with an hour just for you. Schedule a week of social media, line up a meeting with a business coach, update your website. When your business is your priority, your clients will notice.


Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is crucial to successful business management. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you are the best person to do it, or that your time won't be better spent elsewhere. You can find contractors and freelancers for a lot of small business tasks, like data entry, design, website maintenance, and social media.

Learn Something New

From being more adept at Microsoft Office Suite to taking a karate class, new skills will help you in business and beyond. Obviously, learning more about office skills or social media will enhance your business, but picking up a new "fun" skill will increase your confidence and your social circle as well.

Set Networking Goals

Networking is important, but can fall to the bottom of a list of business chores. Set a reasonable goal for 2020. Maybe you'll make a point to attend at least 2 networking events each month. Or maybe this year will be the year that you join (or start!) a networking group. Networking can include social media as well...will 2020 be the year you start posting and interacting regularly on social media?

Make Some New Friends

While networking will gain you some valuable business contacts, we all know that most people choose to business with real estate agents they already know. Make a list of the different groups you have the potential to reach: your neighborhood, the other parents at school, fellow gym members, congregants at your church, etc. How can you make more meaningful connections with these people? Remember that friendships only work if they're sincere - so don't try to meet people unless you're willing to make an honest investment in a relationship.

Let Go Of What Isn't Working

Sometimes we commit hard and fast to an idea or an expectation that doesn't work that we fail to see the time, effort, and money we could be using elsewhere. Take a hard look at your business expenses (both time and money) and ask yourself what's bringing you gain. If you've been after something for 3-6 months or more without progress, it's time to reevaluate.

Here at Frontier Title, we are committed to helping 2022 be your best year in business ever. We know that real estate isn't an 8-5 job, and we are truly here to assist you along the way. Best wishes for a happy, successful, and joy-filled New Year.