Find Your Perfect Tagline
There are many companies that can be identified just by their tagline or slogan. "I'm lovin' it!" "A diamond is forever." "Maybe she's born with it..."
You don't have to have a global platform to benefit from a good tagline. Local brands and small businesses can still make a memorable impression with a unique slogan. Don't have a tagline yet? We're here to help. Find Inspiration In What You Already Have: Most potential customers will see your business name and logo before they hear your tagline. Let the look of your logo and the qualities of your business lead you into a strong slogan. Don't Overcomplicate It: You want your tagline to be something catchy and memorable. Don't get too wordy or complicated. Most of the world's best-known slogans only have between 4 and 6 words. Use words that are easy to understand and define, and make sure the wording of the tagline flows easily so that clients can remember it well. Brainstorm a Word List: Aside from using obvious real estate terms, think about what makes your business stand out from the competition. What's important to you? What do your clients say about your quality of service? After you've made a word list based on these things, focus on the words that seem to call out to you. Focusing on words that hold some personal meaning to you will get you closer to a strong line. Use A Call To Action If It Works For Your Brand: Consumers respond well to action words and encouragement. Think about Nike's "Just Do It" or McDonald's 80s slogan, "You deserve a break today." Don't underestimate the power of suggestion. Consult Friends and Family: Don't rely solely on your own opinion. Seek out the opinion of those important to you. They may catch something in your new tagline that you didn't hear or offer a word or two to inspire a great change. Keep in mind as you ask around that you'll never please everyone. Don't let one or two negative comments sidetrack you from finding something you love.
Let It Go: Not every strong business has a slogan. And no slogan is better than a bad slogan. If you can't create a tagline you're crazy about, don't sweat it. A lot of businesses can get by without one at all.